Laboratory for Atmospheric Physics – LAFA

The Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics – LAFA, seeks to develop and / or adapt technologies and techniques, using Photonics as its axis, to monitor the growing problem of air pollution in the country, while also studying the impacts of such pollution on the Human health. Through research projects and agreements with public and private entities, the quantification of particulate matter and pollutants in the atmosphere is sought, guaranteeing the traceability of their interactions in the environment and the products that are generated in atmospheric chemical reactions. The success, reliability and efficient transfer to society of the results and technological developments are guaranteed through the professional qualification of its staff and the metrological quality of its equipment.
Principal technologies:
- Monitoring of the atmospheric boundary layer by means of the LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) system.
- Measurement of gas concentration by means of the DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) system.
- High power pulsed laser Quantel Q-smart 450 mJ at 1053 nm.
- SHG and THG system.
- 310×1000 mm Ultrafast Mirror Telescope.
- Optical signal reception system.
- 532nm and 355 nm photomultiplier tubes.
- LICEL signal capture system.
- LICEL spectroscopic analysis system.
- Polarotor
- MAX-DOAS Measurement System.
- Weather Station.